Selby District Council: Conservation Area Appraisals
On Friday the 18th of June, Selby District Council has launched a public consultation on the draft Conservation Area Appraisals for;
Appleton Roebuck
Monk Fryston
A link to the appraisal documents and information about how to make comments is available at:
The consultation will run for 6 weeks from the 18th June 2021 to the 30th July 2021.
What are Conservation Areas?
Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest that have character or appearance which is desirable to preserve or enhance.
The documents identify the features which make a positive or negative contribution to the special character of each area, review the boundaries and provide recommendations for the future.
It is not only the buildings that contribute to the historic character of the areas. Other factors that contribute include:
- The form of the settlement.
- Boundaries.
- Spaces between buildings.
- Street surfacing.
- Green spaces, trees and other historic features all have a part to play.
Any new development should be designed with consideration for how it will preserve the historic character of the conservation area.
Additional Planning Controls
Designation of a Conservation Area brings with it additional planning controls to preserve the special interest of the area. These can be quite complex, so you should contact us before carrying out any work – permission is usually necessary for the following:
- Demolition of a building
- Cladding a building
- Alterations to the roof
- Extensions above 50 cubic metres
- Satellite dishes
For enquiries about planning applications in a Conservation Area, please email