Public Access Planning Portal

Public Access Planning Portal

New changes to Consultations

The Council adopted a new Statement of Community Involvement at Full Council in September and implemented from 1st January 2021.

In line with current legislation  and this new Statement of Community Involvement,  Neighbour notifications are no longer  sent.

You can use the Public Access to view a planning application and to comment on a planning application. It is a dynamic system constantly being updated with incoming information including plans, technical reports, responses from consultees, comments from the general public, full details of the Council’s ultimate decision and details of any appeal to the Secretary of State

Following an upgrade to our Anite system it has resulted in a slight change in how you view a document on Public Access. Instead of highlighting the relevant line and clicking on the view button you now need to click on the date underlined in blue at the beginning of the line of the document you choose to view and it will open the document.

Comment on a planning application

You can make comments on planning applications in the following ways:

  • Whilst viewing the details of an application through Public Access. You will need to register and login before you are able to leave comments and/or receive updates. Your session may “time out” without warning, so for longer messages you may need to compose your comments outside the webpage and then copy and  paste  when you are ready to submit. Please include the submission date at the end of your comment
Cawood Parish Council