Situated off Wistowgate via Maypole Gardens, the Playing Fields are owned by the Parish Council on behalf of the village. The far boundary of the area is marked by Cawood’s railway line which ran from 1898 – 1960.
Sports Clubs are regular users.
Bowls, Tennis, Football and Cricket Clubs are all based there.
Access to and parking for the village allotments is also at the Playing Fields.
A basketball hoop and skate ramp are available for use and there is also a play area for younger children situated there.
New projects have seen the addition of an accessible picnic table and another toddler picnic table will be coming soon. We are developing the “fairy glen” as part of Cawood’s fairy trail. We are infilling the perimeter hedges and spring bulbs enhance the area. We have installed an adult gym area near the children’s play area and added a see saw and new springie to the play area. A third defibrillator for the village has now been sited at the Pavilion and a new noticeboard positioned on the outside of the Pavilion. Sadly the large Ash tree has Ash die-back and we will continue to try to get permission from NYC to remove it to ensure everyone’s safety. In its place, the Jubilee saw us planting 3 new trees and we have a Deed of Dedication in conjunction with Fields in Trust to protect the area.
Picnic tables and benches are available for spectators and anyone wanting to sit awhile.
Our new outdoor gym equipment
The perimeter fencing around the playing areas has been renewed, with the fence work being ably undertaken by our excellent Handyman, with in built bench seating on the cricket pitch side.
New signage has been erected.
We have planted 3 beautiful Himalayan Birch trees in Playing Fields area to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and created Deeds of Dedication in partnership with Fields in Trust to safeguard in perpetuity the Playing Fields, Garth & Gill Green
Councillors Lunn and Dennon are Playing Field Wardens and they are also part of the Playing Field Liaison Committee, together with Councillor Ward and PFLC Chairman Councillor Brown.
The Bowls and Tennis Clubs marked their 30th anniversary
The Pavilion is used by Cricket & Football Clubs