Local Groups
Brownies is held at the Old Boys’ School for girls 7-10 years old, on Thursday nights, 6:00 – 7:30p.m.
Contact Linda Moore, 07743 194262
All Saints Church
For all services, baptisms, weddings and funerals please contact Priest in Charge, Canon John Weetman, Area Dean 01757 703123, email: office@selbyabbey.org.uk
Authorised Lay Minister Jean Huby 01757 268508
Churchwardens Linda Barker Grimshaw 01757 268047 and Peter Taylor 01757 242801
A Royal Peculiar is a church that belongs directly to the monarch and not to any diocese, and does not come under the jurisdiction of a bishop. The concept originated in Anglo-Saxon times and developed as a result of the relationship between the Norman and Plantagenet Kings and the English Church. Henry VIII retained Royal Peculiars following the Reformation; the Ecclesiastical Licences Act of 1533, as confirmed by the Act of Supremacy of 1559, transferred to the Sovereign the jurisdiction which had previously been exercised by the Pope.
There are a number of Royal Peculiars of which Westminster Abbey (the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster) and St George’s Chapel, Windsor (the Queen’s Free Chapel of St George in Windsor Castle) are the best known. Others include the Chapels Royal at Hampton Court and St James Palace, the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, the Chapels of St Peter ad Vincula and St John the Evangelist in the Tower of London and the Royal Foundation of St Katharine.
One of the few outside London is Cawood’s village church.
Cawood Community Caring
Launched in 2018 to wide public acclaim. Musicians and a host of talented creatives get together over August Bank Holiday weekend across several local venues to entertain, boosting the local infrastructure/businesses/organisations
The website is www.cawoodstock.co.uk
Point of Contact for Cawoodstock is:
Sarah McLoughlin 07704 524426
with thanks to Emma Plews for her beautiful poster designs
Cawood Community Centre Association
The Parish Council, sports clubs and Allotment Society form this committee. Parish Councillors act as Wardens to help oversee the area and the Parish Council awards grants towards upkeep and maintenance and also pays for building insurances. Businesses planning on running outdoor sessions for children or adults at the Playing Fields please contact PC Clerk at cawood.pclerk@gmail.com, 07541 434569
Rainbows Meetings are held for girls age 4 – 7 years old at the O.B.S. on Mondays 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Contact Emily Starkey on telephone 07841 470809
Meeting day and time: 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.45pm
Meeting venue: Old Boys School,