
Speed Concern – B1222 Bishopdyke Road, Cawood (30) (SE2011990) and more


The Parish Council asked for NYCC advice determining whether Wistowgate may suitable for  a VAS and a week long assessment paid for by the Parish Council was undertaken there.

Following the results of the survey, we have ordered a Vehicle Activated Sign on the advice of NY Highways. We are grateful to our former County Councillor Andrew Lee for a £1000 grant towards this work.

The new VAS is now active.


A 20mph zone is not legally enforceable and setting speed limits is not within the Parish Council’s limited remit.


At Rythergate, we have requested a change to signage and speed zoning which is currently being considered by the highways authority.

We are delighted that we have police action on speeding at Bishopdyke Rd.

NY Police Roads Safety Task Group made the decision that Bishopdyke Road is potentially suitable for Enforcement using North Yorkshire Police’s Safety Camera Vehicles.

Speed Concern – B1222 Bishopdyke Road, Cawood (30) (SE2011990)

Cawood Parish Council