
Notice of Consultation on Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal

The Parish Council has received this from Selby District Council:

Dear Clerk,

Notice of Consultation on Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

Escrick Parish Council has submitted a draft of the Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan for independent examination.

We are contacting as many people as possible who live, work and do business in the Escrick area. We are also contacting the “consultation bodies” named in schedule 1 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

This email is to inform you that as part of our role as the Local Planning Authority we are publicising the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan prior to examination and are inviting comments for the period of not less than 6 weeks, from 21 February 2022 to 5pm on 4 April 2022

You can view the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan and associated documents on the Council’s webpage, as well as further information on the Neighbourhood Planning process. 

The submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan is also available to view between 8am and 4pm daily at St Helen’s Church, York Road, Escrick, York, YO19 6LE.

To make representation* on the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan please


*When making your representation, please also indicate whether you wish to be informed of any decision the Local Planning Authority make under Regulation 19 in relation to the Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan, to make (or adopt) the Plan under Section 38A(6) of the 2004 Act.

If you have any queries about this consultation, please contact the Planning Policy Team at


Cawood Parish Council