
Graffiti’s gone

  A very big thanks to J S Jetwash (Johnny) for kindly freely sharing time and expertise in removing the graffiti at the pumphouse in time for the launch of our village walking trail. The...

New Play Equipment

We are pleased to showcase the new play equipment, please continue to take care whilst the ground matting settles. A number of contributions made the purchase of these items possible, many...

Beacon Lighting Monday, May 8th 9pm

Although there won't be a nationwide beacon lighting for the coronation, we shall be lighting ours on the Foreshore at 9 pm when everyone is welcome to join in the event. Please assist by ensuring...

Coronation updates

Our plans for the Coronation: To mark this event in a different way, we are creating a walking trail around Cawood celebrating our village history and creativity, as well as the...

Cawood Grows Together with spring bulbs

Following the success of the snowdrop walk along the  Garth path started 2 years ago and tete a tete, crocus & tulips planted opposite the Wistowgate, Thorpe Lane roundabout last year, we have...

PCSO Hannah Price

PCSO Hannah Price 4532 is the new police contact for our area, you can contact her via email or by ringing 101 and quoting 4532. Hannah has also requested we...

Cawood Parish Council