
Biggin Parish: Flyer for Residents regarding planning contravention at Bridge House, Biggin

Biggin Parish Council have produced this advice and information:

Flyer for RESIDENTS planning app comments 26NOV 2024 v2 2 pages

#haveyour say – Do you want a permanent traveller site in your
The applicant has already contravened all 14 planning conditions
from his original planning consent (2020/1205/COU) and breached a
Temporary Stop Notice which is a criminal offence (in place from
05/11/24 to 31/12/24).
Change of use of land to a mixed use, transit traveller site and ancillary
tourism – application for a permanent traveller site with 48 pitches and 2
static caravans. (NB a pitch can be 2 caravans).

This application went live on 22 November 2024 (at time of writing a
Planning Case Officer has not been assigned). To view the planning
application files and to submit comments you may have, please use
North Yorkshire Council’s ‘Public Access’ website at:
search using ZG2024/1067/FULM
Alternatively email your comments to where you can specify that only
your name appears on the comments:
or by post to: Selby Planning Office, North Yorkshire Council, Civic
Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT
There are 2 ways in which an application can be “called-in” so that it is heard by
the Area Planning Committee rather than determined by an individual planning
officer. Both of these criteria have already been met in the first 24hrs of this
application going live: it has been “called-in” by the County Councillor, Andrew
Lee and +10 comments have been provided on the planning portal. The planning
application will be heard by the Area Planning Committee at Selby Civic Centre in
early 2025.
What are the KEY issues?
 Application is non-compliant with local and national policy with significant impact on residential
amenity – more than doubling the size of Biggin Parish (49 properties)
 Highways – entrance is onto a national speed limit rural road, adjacent to a recognised accident
blackspot with recorded fatalities, Condition 3 and 4 of the original application relate to Highways and
ALL conditions have been breached and continue to be breached with the addition of a stone wall and
pillars (no planning consent).
 Biodiversity Net Gain – (BNG) is non-existent, app should reach 10% net gain: by their own professional
report, it is a conservative -55.32% net loss. (over 100+ trees felled at the site without a permit)
 The foul sewage consented plans for the site (2020/1205/COU) demonstrate the maximum domestic
foul sewage with a <5000l tank. This is a normal householder sized tank that (even if it has been
installed) is serving in excess of 50 residential properties.
 The site predominantly resides in flood zone 3. Any mitigation to the risk of flooding has been felled
from the site (mature trees of 100+ in number) by the applicant in the last 6 months

This information is taken directly from wording in the Temporary Stop Notice
The unauthorised change of use to the Land and operational development is considered to be
inappropriate development in the open countryside and outside of the Development Limits of
Biggin. The development is considered to have a significant and demonstrably harmful impact
on the character of the undeveloped rural landscape, therefore causing a harmful impact on
the surrounding open countryside and locality.
The development is therefore contrary to Policies SP1 (Presumption in Favour of Sustainable
Development), SP2 (Spatial Development Strategy), SP13 (Scale and Distribution of Economic
Growth), SP15 (Sustainable Development and Climate Change), SP18 (Protecting and
Enhancing the Environment) and SP19 (Design Quality) of the Selby District Core Strategy
(2013); ENV1 (Control of Development), and ENV2 (Environmental Pollution and
Contaminated Land), and RT12 (Touring Caravan and Camping Facilities) of the Selby District
Local Plan (2005) and advice in the National Planning Policy Framework of December 2023
and National Planning Policy for Traveller Sites December 2023.

They also sent this background information to local residents:

Leaflet for residents

Cawood Parish Council